
Friday, June 09, 2006

Latest doc visit

We went for another 4 week level II ultrasound a couple of days ago and here's what the Doc had to say. Her left kidney is still enlarged (reading 8mm and should be 5mm) and now it appears that she has developed a cystic kidney as well. What's a cystic kidney you ask? It's when the kidney develops a secondary sack like kidney filled with fluid that is attached to the exsisting kidney. Doc says that they will "monitor" it just as they have been doing already with the enlargement and it's something that can be treated after delivery with medication and/or surgery for removal. They keep telling me not to worry-this could rectify itself-she's a work in progress-but all I hear is "Blah-Blah-Blah" because what I need to hear, what I desperately want to hear is "Everyting is perfect and you have nothing to worry about". The worry factor has already started and she's not even born yet....oh dear lord....what have I got myself into? As for her right kidney, it too is slightly enlarged (reading 7mm) but no apparent cystic attachment which is good. Doc doesn't seem to worry about this either. Most importantly she has adequate amniotic fluid which means her kidneys are doing what they should and her bladder is functioning properly. Good News! So we will go for what they call a "anatomy/growth" ultrasound on July 6th which is a two hour ultrasound where they count fingers and toes, etc. Wish us luck and we will keep you informed!


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