32 Days left! HOLY #@!*
So officially there are 32 days left until my due date and since no one did the over/under with me (thanks a lot) I WIN by default because if she's early, I was right and if she's late, I was right and if she's right on the due date, I was right! I love being the smartest one:) Actually, I still say that she is going to be making her debut early...maybe 6 days early. She has been head down for the last three weeks and continues to stay there plus I can tell with all her activity she is anxious to meet the two CRAZY people who keep poking , wiggling and shaking her all the time. PLUS, she told me so! Yup that's right. She told me that she's coming early because she too likes for me to be right! Gotta Love That! Okay, enough with my ego inflating mumbo jumbo.
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