
Thursday, May 11, 2006

Our Daughter

Introducing BabyM to the world!!! Now weighing in at a hefty 1 lb 5 oz and about 9 inches long. Looks like daddy's nose and moms lips. Doctor update - left kidney still larger than the right and outside what they would like to see, but they assure us that it is nothing to worry about at this point. Have a follow-up ultrasound in four weeks and at the time we may be paired with a pediatric oncologist, Dr. Bennett. The main thing they say they want to watch right now is the amount of amniotic fluid and they say she is right where she should be at this point so they aren't very worried right now. (however mom is) Still no kicks - dad keeps telling her this is the only time in life where she can get away with it so she should make the most of it, but nothing yet.


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